Setting rules and boundaries with your teenager

Explore boundary setting with father of 5 Matt Green and psychologist Joe Tighe to help your teen gain independence, remain safe and learn how to make good decisions.
Melissa Hoyer will lead a discussion about rules and boundaries with special guests dad of 5 Matt Green and psychologist Joe Tighe on episode 2 of ReachOut Parents Live. 

Boundary setting is an important part of helping your teen gain independence, remain safe and learn how to make good decisions. But setting consequences that stick, building trust and making sure you’ve covered all the bases can get pretty complicated.

Today's conversation covers themes including:
  • Are there ‘right’ rules and ‘wrong’ rules?
  • Teenagers tend to have more emotional responses than adults - how do parents deal with this sort of decision-making?
  • Working with a co-parent, particularly how to set rules and boundaries across multiple households?
  • How do I establish consequences that stick?
  • Sex, drugs, alcohol - how do I set rules around these? 
  • My teenager has friends with parents who set very different rules/boundaries - what should I do?
  • How do I know it’s time for a rule to change or boundary to move?

The panel will be answering questions submitted by parents on before the taping as well as questions submitted during the conversation via Facebook where the conversation originally took place live.

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ReachOut Parents Live